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Parent code of conduct

Aloha Team IA Parents and Members:


As our organization grows and we continue to expand our programs, we seek to establish and clarify our policies. Our policies help to guide the organization and ensure continued success.


Island Aquatics is fortunate to have highly experienced, professional coaches working to develop our children into better swimmers and more importantly, disciplined people.  As parents, it is absolutely essential that we give our coaching staff the respect and authority they deserve to run our swim team. Our coaches have dedicated themselves for that purpose.


Attached is a Parent Code of Conduct.  The Code was developed as a standard to emphasize our organization’s commitment to making everyone’s involvement with our club a positive experience.


Acknowledgement and agreement to the parent code of conduct is established by bringing your child to Team IA practices and meets.




The IA Coaching Staff


Island Aquatics

Parent Code of Conduct


Team IA as an organization highly encourages the parents of swimmers to do the following:


  • Open communication between parents, swimmers and coaches emphasizing goal-setting and focusing on the performance expectations of both the swimmer and the parents
  • Meeting with the coaches/swimmers/parents during normal operating hours to discuss issues (but not during practice times and preferably scheduled in advance if possible)
  • Positive reinforcement of all swimmers in all situations - team spirit, team loyalty
  • Parental involvement  in organizing and running of meets, fundraisers, and other team events


Team IA as an organization will not tolerate the following:


  • Coaching your children at practice or during meets
  • Interrupting or confronting the coaching staff on the pool deck during practice or meets
  • Abusive language towards coaches, swimmers, parents, officials and your own children
  • Any behavior that brings discredit or disruption to our swimmers and our organization
  • Attending practices and swim meets not authorized by the coaching staff and IA.


As a parent of a swimmer and member of Island Aquatics, I will abide by the following guidelines:


  1. Practice teamwork with all parents, swimmers and coaches by supporting the values of Discipline, Loyalty, Commitment and Hard Work.


  1. As a parent, I will not coach or instruct the team or any swimmer at a practice or meets (from the stands or any other area) or interfere with coaches on the pool deck.


  1. Demonstrate good sportsmanship by conducting myself in a manner that earns the respect of my child, other swimmers, parents, officials and the coaches at meets and practices.


IV.       Maintain self-control at all times.  Know my role.


                   Swimmers – Swim

                    Coaches – Coach   

                    Officials – Officiate

                    Parents – Parent


  1. As a parent, I understand that criticizing, name-calling, use of abusive language or gestures directed toward the coaches, officials, and/or any participating swimmer will not be permitted or tolerated.


  1. Enjoy involvement with Island Aquatics by supporting the swimmers, coaches and other parents with positive communication and actions.


  1. During competitions, questions or concerns regarding decisions made by meet officials are directed to a member of our coaching staff.  Parents address officials via the coaching staff only.


Sanctions.  Should I conduct myself in such a way that brings discredit or discord to Island Aquatics, or USA Swimming, I voluntarily subject myself to disciplinary action.  Island Aquatics maintains the right to terminate any membership with/without cause in the interest of our vision, mission and objectives.