USA Swimming



   Hawaiian Swimming



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Visiting Swimmers

John & Vincene Starmer
We have long welcomed visiting swimmers to join us while on Maui.  Along with current requirements imposed by the Kihei Pool administration (see the requirements below), visiting swimmers (with a negative test result) may only swim at the following times: Tuesday - Friday 7:00 - 8:00 am).  

***COVID Requirements***

The following is a list of guidelines and protocol that need to be followed in order to train with Island Aquatics while visiting Maui:
1. Email coach your arrival date14 days prior to arriving on island of Maui
2. 14 days healthy pre/on island
3. Provide on island, negative covid test if possible
4. Own lane or shared with traveling swimmer or sibling
5. $80 minimum donation to Island aquatics per swimmer
6. Own gear taken to and from pool each training session
7. Bring only mask and towel on deck. (No changing on deck allowed)
8. Bring copy of Current USA swimming membership and off-island negative covid test 
emailed in advance of attending practice 
9. Signed MAGSA release of liability form turned in prior to swimming. 
**Release of medical information and submitting all items is completely VOLUNTARY in order to swim with IA-
otherwise visitors may reserve a lane during public swim
10. DAILY Temperature check at front gate prior to entry for practice.

Please email [email protected] with any questions.